My Land And My People: A book review

No wonder why I purchased this book. But the Dalai Lama is always a mystery to me. That could be the reason why I spent some dollars three months ago.

For some reason, I’d like to write this post in English. This is the “one more thing” I learned from Dalai lama. If you want to be really popular, you’d better learn to speak and write in English.

My Land and My People
My Land and My People by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet

Since Dalai Lama is still a taboo in mainland china. His books are literally not available anywhere. When I visited Seattle in 2009, I had the chance to purchase one copy of The Art Of Happiness. It’s a printed book. There’s a picture of Dalai Lama on the cover. It’s hard to hide that in public. Therefore, I didn’t finish that book till today. Thanks to Kindle, the book finally has a disguise. Nobody could guess what I was reading. I can read Dalai Lama’s book in a place like Tian’anmen Square (It’s a political joke which foreigners hardly understand.).

Dalai Lama was not a daily topic in public propaganda. I can’t remember the first time when I heard his name. But I bet it came with terms like “reactionaries” and “secessionists”. When I have access to internet in late 1990s, I was somehow confused. Dalai Lama was not a bad figure overseas. He looks like an ordinary old man, a highly knowledgeable monk and nice guy. But why his name must be censored? I got no answer. I even didn’t know he is a laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize until the 2008 Tibet unrest. This ignorance made me sad and angry. That’s why most books I read on Kindle are biographies and memoirs.

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终于利用春节假期把 Scott Berkun 的这本 MindFire 看完,它的全称是“MindFire: Big Ideas for Curious Minds”。我想说,这是迄今为止唯一一本读完之后还想买印刷版的 Kindle 电子书。


MindFire, the Book


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One Click by Richard Brandt

按照新闻搜索的结果,这本书的作者Richard Brant是硅谷的一个知名记者。按理说他作为记者,对于写贝索斯这种大佬的题材应该足够熟悉,所以我丝毫没有怀疑他的专业性。只是,这本书实在是太短了,看的不够过瘾。


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我只是在传记发售日从11月21日提前到10月24日的时候有一些不祥的预感,但没想到真的在去世之后才读到这本书。但我又能说什么呢?法国电影 Le Papillion 片尾曲里说,死亡是美丽的一部分(… ça fait partie du charme.)。

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.



Continue reading “《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》读后感”



You are the Apple of My Eye




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