
这是一本繁体中文版的 Kindle 电子书,很神奇吧?我第一次听说 Kindle 上有一小部分繁体中文书的时候也觉得神奇,所以就按图索骥买了这么一本来读。

Complete Biography of Chen Duxiu





我要特别指出,这本书是我迄今为止在 Kindle 上购买的最贵的一本书。不知道出于什么目的,这本书被分为三卷出售,每卷售价 5.99 元。单本不贵,但合起来就是 17.97 元。而且拆散之后售卖会造成一系列的问题。比如在 Kindle Profile 上就显示我读完了三本书,而不是一本。

此外,我还需要说明一下,Kindle 上有繁体中文书这个消息是 @xiasinet 告诉我的。他当时去香港参观了香港书展,在展会上得知此消息并告诉了我。

你可以在 Amazon Kindle Store 购买这本书:


以下是我发表在 Amazon 上的英文书评,基本上是本文的翻译,没有绝对必要可以忽视。


To English speaker: This book is written in CHINESE. If you can’t read it, don’t buy it.

My friend Xiasi (@xiasinet) told me there were some Chinese books available in Kindle Store. It is something I never expected. To verify his story, I bought this book.

I don’t have particular reason to choose this book. Maybe it’s because I have very limited knowledge about this person. Chen is major creator of China Communist Party. He was the party chef for consecutive eight years. In common sense, I should have more details about him. Unfortunately, the only thing left in my brain was his days at Le Jeunesse magazine. I don’t feel good but I have no clue until finished reading this book.

The author is Tang Baolin, a researcher from Institute of Modern History in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. I did some research online. Tang is the most famous scholar in the field of Chen Duxiu history. If you happen to read How Did The Red Sun Rise by Gao Hua, you could probably guess the importance of Tang’s book.

For some reason(you have to read the book), Chen Duxiu is almost a taboo in mainland China. It’s hard to write his biography. Since the Party had set a frame work for this person, it will challenge the author. To be honest or not, this is a question.

The answer is obvious. This book was never published in mainland China. In 2011, CUHK press published it in Hong Kong.

One more thing. This book has been cut into three pieces. Each piece asks for USD 5.99, which make this book the most expensive one(USD 17.97) in my Kindle book collection. Please don’t do that again. It’s annoying.

2 Replies to “《陈独秀全传》读后感”

    1. 分享什么?书吗?我觉得不好,很抱歉无法与你分享。作者是研究陈独秀的专家,这本书虽然贵,但值得花钱买来读。

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