终于利用春节假期把 Scott Berkun 的这本 MindFire 看完,它的全称是“MindFire: Big Ideas for Curious Minds”。我想说,这是迄今为止唯一一本读完之后还想买印刷版的 Kindle 电子书。

这本书分三个部分,分别是汽油、火花和火。每一部分包含十篇隽永的文字,包括“繁忙的意义”,“如何识别胡扯”,“如何保持激情四射”以及“为何你不能成为艺术家”之类的话题。按照作者的说法,这些文章是他十年期间陆续完成的,从他写的 1,500 篇文章中精挑细选出来集结成集。
当然,我知道《魔鬼经济学》后来还出了个续集,我不知道作者 Scott Berkun 会不会继续下去。若是有续集,若是仍然这么短小精悍,我会考虑买。
文字隽永的另一个好处是,可以摘出许多值得分享的文字给大家。按照我在 Kindle 上的成绩,我似乎分享过 37 条书摘。可不知道为什么,我没能在 Amazon 上找到。看来是有系统错误,待我稍后搞掂再跟大家分享更多。
这本书目前还没有中文版,我就斗胆翻译成《思维之火》好了。这本书也没有大规模地印刷。一月初的时候,我在湾区的大小几家书店里尝试着找过它。后来店员查了库存,告诉我这本书是 Print On-Demand,下单之后才会印刷。
但不管怎样,伟大的 Amazon.com 有售,印刷版和Kindle版都可以买到。
以下是我发布在 Amazon.com 的书评,内容基本上是这篇 Blog 的翻译,没啥特别的。但这篇书评不知道为何一直没办法贴到 Amazon 上,可能是我提到了 B&N 的缘故吧…… 摊手,还是自己的 Blog 好,没有审查。
I finished this book in Chinese New Year holiday. And my short version of review will be like this. This is by far the only Kindle book which I want to keep a printed copy!
The reason why I made such a comment is simple and obvious. The articles inside are so sophisticated and need to be spread to each friend of mine. I actually tried to find a copy in Barnes & Noble. The shop assistant told me this is a print-in-demand title. Then I placed an order for printed on Amazon China site in February. But I never got the copy. Something must be wrong.
This book has three parts: gasoline, spark and fire. Each part contains 10 short articles. The articles have inspiring titles like “The cult of busy”, “How to detect bullshit”, “How to be passionate” and “Why you are not an artist”. According to the author, this book is a selection from his 1,500 articles published before.
I think this book is similar to the popular Freakonomics. The author starts with some weird questions. He then gives you some explanation which makes some sense but still so hard to believe. This is good. This is how mind works and makes improvement.
I’m eagerly waiting for a sequel.