This is a small article I typed with the AlphaSmart 3000. What term I should use to describe this machine? It looks like a full-size keyboard. But it comes with a four-line black & white LCD screen on top. On the top right of the machine, there’s a USB port labeled “Computer”. On the top left, there’s a PS/2 port with a “Printer” label. The machine could be powered by three size AA batteries. People say these batteries can last one full year. It does have the third port on the right side, a standard DC power supply. All the features here make me believe this machine is a poor man’s personal computer, or anyone’s electronic typewriter.
When you connect this machine with your Mac or PC. This machine will be identified as a standard “Keyboard”. You can type to your computer with this gadget. Look at the layout carefully. You will find it is almost identical to your Mac. It even has the famous Command key which could be found on every Macintosh.
AlphaSmart 3000
So it is a computer, a typewriter, and a keyboard.
最近忽然有点怀旧,很想再玩一次 FC 版“魂斗罗”。于是就这么做了,先去下载一个叫做 OpenEMU 的模拟器,然后顶着“不尊重版权”大帽子去寻找一个名为 Contra.nes 的文件。OpenEMU 不愧是模拟器届的神器,非常方便,非常好用。那个叫做 Contra.nes 的文件也不难找,善用 Google 的话不到五分钟就能搞定。
目前比较好用的模拟器 OpenEMU
只是我手上这台 Mac 的操控让人不爽,让我非常崩溃。按照 OpenEMU 的默认设定,我需要用右手边的方向键来控制方向,用左侧的 A 和 S 键来控制跳跃和射击。这与当年用手柄的玩法完全不一致啊,那时候我分明用左手来控制方向,用右手来控制跳跃和射击。当年好歹也是可以用三条命通关的水平,可如今这种操控方式让我第一关都难打过去……