This is my very first typewritten passage on an Apple iPad. It feels strange but it’s fun!
A passage typed with Hanx Writer app
In 1999, I saved CNY 50 and bought a used typewriter from the school. It was a decent one even it was quite old. In the days without a computer, that typewriter was a very handy tool to print my thoughts out to paper.
我认为只有哲学问题才能通过思考解决,于是用一柱香的时间从思考的深渊中爬了出来,连上互联网开始调查。发现目前的确没什么人在做好一点的体温计,除了一家叫做 Kinsa Health 的初创公司看上去还靠谱之外,其他的产品简直惨不忍睹不堪入目。于是下单交钱,然后陷入了漫长的等待:家人已经不再发烧,还没发货;漫长的冬季已经结束,还没发货;转瞬即逝的春天刷完了存在感,还没发货;五一国际劳动节已经开始,还没发货……