
今年五月读完Peter Hessler(中文名:何伟)的《寻路中国》中文版之后,我忽然对这位纽约客驻北京记者的作品产生了浓厚的兴趣。于是我在Amazon下了三个订单,将他的中国三部曲一一买下,存在Kindle里。这三本书按照出版时间先后分别是:《江城(River Town)》,《甲骨文(Oracle Bones)》和《寻路中国(Country Driving)》


River Town, the Book
Peter Hessler - River Town

所以在读完《谷歌内幕(In the Plex)》之后,我打开了这本书。跟前一本略显生硬的文风相比,我更喜欢Peter Hessler的文字,简单而有感染力。




邓小平去世的那天,我是从学校的广播站得知消息的。然后就是将近两周的悼念活动,所有的电视都取消了娱乐节目,很烦很无聊。 临近高考,虽然我对政治科目及格这件事情不抱太大希望,但我知道绝对不能犯原则性错误。所以我还得打起精神来学习党的盖棺定论,免得考试中不慎唱了反调。







I finished Peter Hessler’s Country Driving(Chinese simplified version) in May. His books suddenly became my favorites. Not long after that, three orders were made on Amazon: River Town, Oracle Bones, and original English version Country Driving: A Journey Through China from Farm to Factory.

Actually I don’t have enough time to read them all. There’s a long reading list in my kindle. But the propaganda was deeply planted in China’s educational system. I need a new perspective to review this country. Hessler’s books are perfect for me.

I found something in common in the book, since I was like three to four years younger than the students of Hessler. I’ll share two small stories here. My stories.

When Deng Xiaoping died in 1997, I heard the news from loudspeaker in campus. Coming up is a two week long national mourning. No entertainment show on TV and radio. Although I was annoyed by the entertainment ban, I still had to learn the event and official comments from the party. This is called the big direction issue. If I made any directional mistakes in college entrance exam, my life would be completely screwed.

No other party leader’s funeral ever happened in my life. I had no idea the national mourning was okay or too much. According to my father, Deng’s death couldn’t compete with Mao’s. That was really a relief to me.

When Hong Kong returned to China, I was in a supplementary class. For a better score in college entrance exam, I gave up the summer vacation.

What I can remember is tremendous amount of pop music on HK’s return. The TV, which was the only source for entertaining, was full of music videos. Countless celebrities expressed their feelings by singing. The impact of this kind of mass media bombing is terrifying. Some jingles linger in my brain even today. There’s a Chinese saying that “Read the 300 Tang poems. You can chant something even if you cannot compose a poem.” It looks every propaganda song was played at least 300 times. Party should have paid the bill.

River Town is a good book. It helps me to understand my country more. Thanks.

6 Replies to “《江城》读后感”

  1. 这本书挺好看的

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